Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Roller Coasters

HAHAHAHA this video is hilarious ....I miss going on rides with my crazy sisters n cousins!! These are some of their reactions in crazy rides

E: screams her lungs out.. she thinks if she doesn't she might get a heart attack LOL!

FeFe : reads all the quranic verses she knows hahahahah n rides again LOL!

N: screams n laughs non stop through out the ride as if someone is tickling her!

Joody: pays n then changes her mind.. n the famous crossing of her legs that indicates fear!


We once went to a theme park with mom n my sisters.. as we enter we see the roller coaster all over the place n we see people on it with their heads down n screaming their lungs out

R: OMG!!! Letsssss go on it

Mom: wala w7da bte6la3.. n she was dead serious..

ya we went on it all four of us

suddenly mom sees us heads down n screaming n we see her n we screaaaam hahahahah msh mn el ride mn her loook hahahahahah

Crazy rides make my day.. btw i have a fear of height bs i enjoy the adrenaline rush :D

Monday, January 26, 2009

Highlights of January 24 2009

* LULU's midnight call and her singing the Marlyn Monroe version of the happy birthday song with the entire staff at Pizza company *over the phone* oh and supposedly one of the waiters was 7osny mbarak .. la la 9adagt..

*Fa6oom's 12:00 sharp call :D .. always on time :D

*The cannon 450D from Joody & LULU - we seem to have created a magical bond at Disney land last year..

*The relaxing massage and the non stop laughter with fa6oom.. i can never take spas as seriously as fa6oom does.. the best part was the final touch of the Thai stretching which i thought will crack my back!!

*H's "25!!! that's half of 50" Thank you for making it HIT me!!
*Shosho's gift :D i love it

*Horse riding and Junior's once in a while moments of .......

*Lunch with Sarah and a talk I have been craving for quiet some time...

... and the day ended with a little surprise party with my favorite cheese cake and presents

**Noonzie I consider the treats you carried all the way from London a birthday gift and the highlight of the month**

Thank you all for making a passing day one to look back to with a smile …

Thursday, January 22, 2009


A photo that lifts my mood :)...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life ... Changes .. & Jewels

I haven't blogged for quite some time now.. i have been through many ups n downs in these couple of months ..n blogging was not a mean of expressing to me in the ups n it wasn't a therapy through the downs.. to be honest i did not feel like it n today i decided i wanna write something

In these couple of months so many changes took place in my life btw i hate 2008... and the beginning of 2009 but i decided to be positive about everything..

I decided to adapt to the changes I detest and focus on the solutions :D ... and those lovely changes I am content with I am going to cherish them and appreciate and witness every changing phase …

I am not gonna watch myself lose precious jewels in my life coz im just shocked and not adapting to change..

To the most precious jewel i have "I'm holding on to you because I am now able to clearly see the better change and the closer bond we share "..

To the jewel I temporarily lost and will see sometime in the future "I miss you.. you will always be in my heart and your memory will forever last"

I thank you God for enriching me with the most precious jewels in life..


*picture from http://www.dmagazine.com/

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ramadan Treasures

Tahajud / Qyam

It all started when I was a senior in high school... I have a mother that takes Quran lessons and lectures seriously and I thank God for her.. You’re an amazing mother and I know many envy me for having a mother like you ( I love you :D with all my heart).. so yeah back to high school .. A new Masjed was built in our neighborhood and Mom’s prayers were answered (They offered Quran lessons) to be honest I wasn’t so happy all I thought about was mom’s nagging and endless arguments about taking the lessons so seriously. So eventually my sisters and I were dragged to the Masjed for the lessons.. oh did I mention that also my cousins were forced to go too? Yeah mom also dragged our cousins and sometimes our extended family :P … lool I miss those days.. So we started going for the lessons and surprisingly the tutors were amazing, they were encouraging and extremely patient. Unlike many others they tried to ignore the mocking that was always present in every single lesson and the non stop laughter. So yeah we got hooked, we realized that we are capable of reading the holy Quran properly and are also capable of memorizing a couple of chapters. Then it happened I fell in love ..yes with the Imam’s voice :D .. it was extremely clear and positive. I enjoyed every Maghreb prayer after the lesson, listening to the pure verses of Quran being read by our Imam was the joy of the day. Ramadan came and I went to the Masjed on a daily basis… then came the last ten days of Ramadan when I started going for Tahajud and fell deeper in love. Since then the last ten nights of Ramadan were always the joy of the year..

I just came back from Tahajud or Qyam and I cherish those hours of the day, they are spiritual, rewarding and reminds you that there is a brighter day, and there are always good people praying for each other.

To our beloved Imam GOD BLESS YOU, you are a reason for another positive day in my life :D

Khawater 4

After eating Iftar and praying with everyone, I make sure I do not miss Khawater 4. This program in my opinion must be watched by every single person. It is very beneficial and also a pleasure to watch. The presenter places a positive impact on viewers and encourages them to become better at their daily rituals by following the Islamic sharia.

To Ahmed Al-Shgairy I am also waiting for the day when the Arab nation will be appreciated and their culture will be the guide to all nations. The future will be bright and rewarding :D.

To our beloved Presenter Ahmed Al-Shgairy GOD BLESS YOU, you are a reason for a valuable day in my life.

For more information on Khawater please visit: www.thakafa.net


I enjoy..

**Mom’s tableware orders

**Dad’s health lectures (sambosas are baked :s and he is still insists in making salad a main dish)

**The rambling and laughter about work related feuds

**Midnight cooking and R’s Vimto recipe

**Iftar at kimpinsky

To my family GOD BLESS YOU, you are a reason for a fabulous my life

Fa6oom’s house

I love going to Fa6oom’s house after work. Ok she would always say she is coming in 10 minutes but ends up coming in half an hour :s .. and I get angry every time this happens. But I just can never stay annoyed because as soon as we get in the mood non-stop laughter begins.

Spending half the time trying to find a parking spot next to Abella is hilarious… coz we always spot an empty spot and race towards it .. to find another car racing with us too.. I enjoy fa6oom’s sarcastic yelling and the huge sarcastic smile too when she eventually finds one and right next to the entrance (fa6oom is lazy and hates walking in the heat).

Lying in bed, smelling food being cooked and listening to the tunes our tummies compose. Then laughing out loud at a stupid joke that no one would ever find funny, and inventing a dance that requires moving a foot or two like ballerinas. Fa6oom that was hilarious.

To fa6oom GOD BLESS YOU, you are a reason for another joyful day in my life.

I will be missing these treasures, and await their return in the coming year.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ok.. so i went to work late as usual (i can't wait to leave this place) I HATE IT!!... this is what happens when i first reached.. awal ma nazalt mn esayara three indian workers noticed me .. they were sitting on a bench and thier backs were to me.. so yeah when they got a glimps of a me they all simultaneously turned and started staring!! ufff i hate it when people stare especially MEN!!! pieces of crap.. so i was walking and staring back glt ymken yeste7oon bsss la 7ayat leman tunadi!! so as i got closer out of no where i started yelling at them :P.. i wasnt in a very good mood ..

Me: What are you staring at!!! shoo tshoof CINEMA!!! Turn around and stare infront of you!!!!

All three of them pretending they dont know who the hell im talking to .. they look behind them to see who im talking too..

I dont know what happened to me and this is what i said "3ama bshaklak inta wyah" looool i dont know where it came from i nver say it!! i guess i've been watching a lot of 6ash ma 6ash ..

Seriously i never understood the link between Indians and staring .. is it part of their culture?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I love food...

I love food... to me food is a passion... and i even love it more during the holy month of Ramadan. This is a dedication for all you people fasting this holy month... enjoy!